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High Pressure Physics

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Pressure as an important parameter in solid state physics

General trends of electronic structure of solids under HP

Pressure-induced structural phase transitions

Magnetic, transport and magneto-transport properties under HP

Pressure effects in strongly correlated electron systems

Quantum critical phenomena under HP

Pressure-induced superconductivity in itinerant electron ferromagnets

Experimental technique for HP experiments

Novel materials fabricated under HP

- in frame of the lectures a preparation of the high-pressure experiment setup can be preformed


Pressure - an important parameter in the solid state physics

General trends in changes of the electronic structure of condensed matter under HiP

Experimental technique for HiP experiments

Pressure exchange media, determination of pressure

Pressure-induced structural phase transformations

Magnetic, transport and magneto-transport properties under HiP

Pressure effects in strongly correlated electrons systems

Superconductivity in the itinerant ferromagnets induced by the pressure

Quantum critical effects under high pressures

New materials prepared under HiP