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Magnetic Structures

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Microscopic aspects of magnetic ordering. Spin and orbital magnetic moment, direct and indirect exchange interactions, RKKY interaction.

2. Short- and long-range magnetic ordering, ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic order, incommensurate magnetic structures. Propagation vector.

3. Types and symmetries of magnetic structures, group theory and symmetry of magnetic structures.

4. Experimental study of magnetic structures. Introduction to macro- and mainly microscopic methods.

5. Practical usage of programs for crystal and magnetic structure analysis - Bilbao Crystallographic Server.

6. Programs for analysis of irreducible representations - BASIREP and SARAh programs.

7. Tools to study distorted crystal structures in terms of symmetry modes of the irreducible representations of the parent space-group symmetry - programs ISOCIF and ISODISTORT.

8. Maximal magnetic subgroups of paramagnetic space groups - programs MAXMAGN, MAGNEXT and MVISUALIZE.

9. Practical usage of outputs of above listed methods and programs to solve magnetic structures employing program package FULLPROF.

10. Introduction to program JANA2006.

11. Solving magnetic structure of compound from neutron diffraction data - the case of powder and single crystal data.


Microscopic aspects of magnetic ordering, exchange interactions, types and symmetries of magnetic structures.

Introduction to experimental processes in study of magnetic structures.

Utilization of programs for symmetry analysis, and especially magnetic symmetry analysis, to solve magnetic structures in materials. Introduction to newly developed programs and databases for analysis, standardization and cataloguing of magnetic structures for requirements of modern physics. Practical application of processes and programs on real measured data to solve magnetic structure of compound.