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Hyperfine Interactions and Nuclear Magnetism

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Basic properties of nuclei, origin of the nuclear magnetic and quadrupole moments, multipole expansion.

Electric field at nuclei in condensed matter, its origin and interaction with nucleus, interaction Hamiltonian, the role of the symmetry of nuclear environment.

Magnetic field at nuclei in condensed matter, its origin and interaction with nucleus, interaction Hamiltonian, interaction of nucleus with the orbital and spin electron moments.

Calculation of nuclear energy levels for simple interaction Hamiltonians.

Hyperfine splitting of nuclear levels and its use in condensed matter studies, nuclear magnetic resonance, Mössbauer spectroscopy and other experimental methods.

Examples of usage of 'hyperfine methods.' Possibilities of calculation of hyperfine parameters from first principles.

Interactions among nuclear moments, their spontaneous ordering and its experimental detection.

Crystal field (CF), singlet CF ground state, van Vleck systems, hyperfine enhanced nuclear magnetism.

Nuclear adiabatic demagnetization, 'negative' temperatures. Examples of systems with nuclear ordering.


Nuclear magnetic and quadrupole moments, origin of electric and magnetic fields at nuclei of atoms of condensed matter (CM), hyperfine splitting and its use in CM studies (nuclear magnetic resonance,

Moessbauer effect). Spontaneous order of nuclear moments, van Vleck systems, nuclear adiabatic demagnetization, 'negative' temperatures.