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Introduction to Fluid Dynamics and Turbulence

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Ideal fluid - continuity equation, Euler equation, hydrostatics, Kelvin theorem, Bernoulli equation, potencial flow, incompressible fluids, gravity waves on the fluid free surface.

Viscous fluid - Navier-Stokes equation, Reynolds number, laminar flow - examples (pipe flow, flow past sphere and cylinder, Stokes drag formula, flow between two coaxial rotating cylinders, Taylor vortices). Stability of laminar flow - Kelvin-Helmholtz instability criterion. Boundary layer. Surface phenomena. Oscillatory motion, Strouhal number.

Turbulence - basic concepts (Richardson cascade, correlation functions, Taylor frozen hypothesis, energy spectrum, energy containing eddies, dissipation, Kolmogorov length), flow past obstacles, Kárman vortex street, drag crisis. Homogeneous and isotropic turbulence and its decay. Turbulent pipe flow. Superfluid turbulence and its special features.

Heat transport in fluids - heat conductivity in incompressible fluids, Rayleigh - Benárd convection, Rayleigh number, Nusselt number. Heat transport in superfluids.

Experimental technique - wind tunnels, anemometers, PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry), LDV (Laser Doppler Velocimetry), second sound and its attenuation.


Ideal fluid - Euler equation, Kelvin theorem, Bernoulli equation. Viscous fluid - Navier.- Stokes equation, Reynolds number, laminar flow - examples, stability of laminar flow, boundary layer.

Turbulence - basic concepts (correlation functions, Taylor hypothesis, energy spectrum), superfluid turbulence. Heat transport in fluids, Rayleigh- Benárd convection.

Experimental technique - anemometers, PIV (particle image velocimetry), LDV (Laser Doppler Velocimetry).