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NMR in Magnetically Ordered Materials

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |



1. Introduction Magnetism of solids. Magnetic properties of some magnetic materials. Types of magnetic ordering. *

2. Physical basis of magnetism Exchange interaction. Mean field. Indirect interaction in metals. Spin waves. *

3. Hyperfine interaction Electric and magnetic moments of nuclei. Electric and magnetic interaction of nuclei and electrons. Hyperfine interactions in free ions, in metals. Experimental data. Transferred hyperfine fields. *

4. NMR Elementary description. Nuclei used in NMR of magnetics. Pulsed techniques. NMR spectra and relaxations. Inhomogeneous broadening. Correspondence of spectra and crystal, resp. magnetic structure. Temperature dependences. Quadrupolar effects. Effect of diffusion. *

5. Experimental techniques FT NMR. Broad band spectrometers. Enhancement in domains and walls. *

6. Selected results of NMR in magnetics.


Application of nuclear magnetics resonance to ferro-, ferri- and antiferromagnetic systems. Excitation and detection of signal of extremely broad lines.

Study of crystal, electronic and magnetic structure.