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Quantum Description of NMR

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |



1. Introduction Nuclear spin and magnetic moment. Zeeman splitting. Energetic levels, resonant transitions, Larmor frequency. Population. *

2. Properties of spin operators Commutation relations. Matrices of spin operators. Rotation operators. Examples of manipulation of spin operators. *

3. Quantum statistical mechanics treatment Quantum statistic ensemble. Density matrix. Evolution equation for the density matrix. Time evolution of a mean value of a physical quantity. Density matrix at thermal equilibrium. Description of Zeeman interaction, effect of radiofrequency field, chemical shift, indirect coupling. Free precession signal. *

4. 2D spectroscopy Double Fourier transform method. J spectroscopy homo- and heteronuclear. Correlation spectroscopy hetero-, homonuclear (COSY). Polarisation transfer, enhanced spectroscopy of low sensitivity nuclei. *

5. Multiple quantum coherence Correspondence of k-quantum coherence to density matrix elements. Methods of production of mult-Q coherence, evolution period, conversion, observation with mode separation. Multiquantum filtered COSY. *

6. Applications Indirect interaction in 13C pair spins. INADEQUATE (1D, 2D versions). Cross-relaxation spectrometry NOESY. *

7. Introduction to the product operator formalism Basic product operators, evolution in the formalism. *

8. Examples and exercises


Elementary and advanced quantum mechanical treatment of description of nuclear magnetic resonance and relaxation.