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Advanced High Resolution NMR Spectroscopy

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Fourier transform NMR spectroscopy 2- and multidimensional spectroscopy

Nuclear spin hamiltonian - interactions of nuclear spin

Spin system in isotropic liquid

Isolated spin-1/2

Ensemble of spins-1/2

Homonuclear AX system - a weakly coupled spin pair

Populations, coherences, spin product operators

Heteronuclear AX system

Basic experiments - COSY, INADEQUATE, INEPT

Multispin systems

Chemical Exchange and nuclear spin relaxation


Semi-quantum description of NMR, populations, coherences, spin product operators, pulse sequences, phase cycling, coherence selection, gradient pulses, spin relaxation, Redfield theory, relaxation mechanisms, autorelaxation, cross-relaxation, cross-correlated relaxation.