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Physical Methods in Nanostructure Studies

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Methods of imaging of low-dimensional structures Transmission electron microscopy, low-energy electron microscopy, scanning techniques: scanning electron microscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy, atomic force microscopy and its modifications

2. Diffraction methods for the study of low-dimensional structures Diffracrion of high-energy electrons, diffraction of low-energy electrons, x-ray diffraction, x-ray reflection, small-angle x-ray scattering

3. Study of electron states in nanostructures Optical spectroscopy, ellipsometry, photoelectron spectroscopy

4. Study of phonon states in nanostructures Inelastic neutron scattering, Raman scattering, ellipsometry and IR absorption

5. Chemical analysis of nanostructures Methods using characteristic x-ray radiation (x-ray fluorescence, electron en-ergy-dispersive analysis, anomalous x-ray scattering) Electron spectroscopy (Auger spectroscopy, EELS method) Ion spectroscopy (Rutherford backscattering, SIMS method)


The lecture gives an overview of experimental methods suitable for the investigation of various types of nanostructures (semiconductor and metallic nanostructures, surfaces and thin layers, metallic and dielectric nanoparticles) with the emphasis to the study of morphology, electron and phonon properties. In addition to the description of the methods, the lecture will formulate physical principles of the methods and a survey of recent experimental results.

The content of the lecture will be modified accord-ing to subjects of the PhD theses of the participants.