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Selected topics of quantum theory of solids

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Band theory of solids, one-electron approximation.

Density functional theory, Kohn-Sham equations.

Local density approximation, gradient corrections, electronic correlations.

Symmetry in solids, point and space groups of symmetry, group representation and usage.

Practical methods for calculating electronic structure and phonon properties.

Molecular dynamics and its applications to solids.

Basics of positron states theory in solids, two-component density functional theory.

Magnetic and dielectric properties of solids - related to electronic structure, linear response theory.

Hyperfine interactions of nuclei as a local probe to electronic structure.

Defects in solids: point-like, linear, and planar, their thermodynamic parameters and relation to electronic structure.


Band structure of solids, density functional theory, local density approximation and its gradient correction.

Symmetry in solid-state physics and group theory. Practical methods of electronic structure calculations and theory of positron states in solids. Magnetic and dielectric properties of solids, linear response theory. Hyperfine interactions of nuclei as local probe of electronic structure. Defects in solids: point, linear and planar.