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Single crystal growth in materials research

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Theoretical part a) Introduction to crystallography - symmetry, point groups, anisotropy, lattice b) Phase transitions and diagrams - pákové pravidlo, definition of phase transitions, type of phase diagrams, congruent and incongruent phases, peritectic reaction c) Theory of crystallization - nucleation d) Methods of single crystals growth - Czochralski method, Bridgman method, floating zone method-optical furnaces, growth from solutions e) Single crystals processing- orientation, cleaning, annealing, cutting, polishing 2. Practical part - single crystal preparation a) Floating zone (laser furnace) metallic and non-metallic materials (oxides) b) FLUX method c) Czochralski method

Discussion of advantages and disadvantages of various experimental methods of single crystal growth. 3. Excursion to companies deal with single crystal growth and processing (Crytur spol. s.r.o., On-Semiconductor…).


Absolvents of the course will gain knowledge about crystallography, phase transitions, theory of crystallization, methods of single crystal growth and their further analysis, processing and applications.