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Introduction to quantum information theory

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Quantum bits. Single and multiple qubit gates. Measurements. (2h)

2. Entanglement. Quantification for pure states. Schmidt decomposition. Bell states. (4h)

3. Quantum teleportation. (3h)

4. Deutsch’s algorithm. (1h)

5. Bell inequalities. (2h)

6. Universal set of quantum gates. (2h)

7. Mixed state entanglement. Entanglement measures. (2h)

8. Entanglement of formation. Pure state decompositions of mixed states. (4h)

9. Teleportation on a decohered Bell state. (2h)

10. Negativity. Bound entanglement. (2h)

11. Quantum discord. (2h)


The course requires a basic knowledge of quantum mechanics. It introduces the basic concepts of quantum information theory with stress put on the idea of entanglement, methods of its quantification, and demonstration of its usefulness via fundamental quantum computation algorithms.