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Physics II for Biochemistry

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Electricity and magnetism

1. Electrostatics Electric charge, Coulomb law, electrostatic field in vacuum, Gauss theorem, potential, voltage, electrostatic field in conductors, electrostatic induction, capacity of conductors, electrostatic field in dielectrics - bound charges, electrical polarization.

2. Electrical current, stationary electrical field Mechanisms of electrical current, effects of electrical current, continuity equation of electrical current, Ohm law, work and power of electrical current, electrical circuits - Kirchhoff laws, connecting of resistors and power sources.

3. Magnetic field Magnetic field of a stationary current, Ampere law, Biot-Savart law, the movement of charged particles, Lorenz force, magnetic field in materials, magnetization and magnetic polarization, bound currents, material relations.

4. Electromagnetic waves in vacuum Coherence and interference of light, interference on a thin layer, optical interferometers planar and spherical waves on interface (Frenel and Fraunhoffer refraction), optical grid, polarization, wave propagation in space - refraction and reflection.

5. Basic principles of quantum physics Corpuscular properties of light and wave properties of particles, Planck quantum hypothesis, surface photovoltage effect, De Broglie hypothesis, uncertainty principle.


Electrostatic field, electric current, magnetism, electromagnetic waves, basic postulates of quantum mechanics, spectroscopy. The course is scheduled for students of biochemistry of the Faculty of Science of Charles University.