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Light Metal Alloys

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |



- fabrication, forming techniques

- main alloys, composition, intermetallic phases and their role in hardening, mechanical properties of alloys

- fabrication of ultra-fine grained alloys

- peculiarities of microstructural observations

- microstructural stability, recovery and recrystallization

- corrosion processes and corrosion resistance of Mg alloys

- application of Mg alloys, including application for biodegradable implants


- fabrication of pure metal and alloys

- prominent physical and mechanical properties

- alpha and beta phases, alloys division, metastable phases in Ti alloys

- diffusion and displacive transformations and methods of their investigations

- homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation, particle growth, hardening mechanisms

- thermal and thermomechanical treatment of Ti alloys

- ultra-fine grained Ti alloys and methods of their investigation

- Ti6Al4V alloy, high strength metastable beta alloys, high temperature creep resistant alloys, biocompatible alloys: properties and applications


This course focuses on the physics of magnesium and titanium alloys.

- fabrication of pure metals and alloys

- physical and mechanical properties of main alloys

- phase transformations, hardening mechanisms in Mg and Ti alloys

- ultra-fine grained Mg and Ti alloys

- experimental characterization

- commercial use