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Introduction to Solid State Physics

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Structure of condensed matter in three dimensions Crystal structure, translational and point symmetry properties of crystal lattices. Reciprocal lattice, Brillouin zones. Reprezentation of periodic functions in reciprocal space. Structure analysis by x-ray scattering.

2. Electrons in metals Classical electronic gas model, transport properties of electronic gas. Quantum electronic gas model, Fermi-Dirac statistics, Fermi energy, chemical potential, elektronic state density. Electrons in periodic crystal field. Bloch theorem, band structure, Fermi surfaces (reduced or periodic scheme). Transport properties of bloch electrons, effective mass. Information on band structure calculations methods. Electronic conductivity and the effect of magnetic field on it.

3. Electrons in semiconductors Intrinsic semiconductors and thermal electron excitations, hole concept, aceptor and donor levels, doped semiconductors homogenous/inhomogeneous, interface properties

4. Magnetic and electric properties Response to external perturbation. Magnetic field in diamagnetic and paramagnetic materials. Relation between orbital and spin magnetic moment of atom with electronic configuration, determination of its ground state. Itinerant magnetism. Magnetic moment ordering in solids, microskopic mechanism of magnetic interactions. The effect of temperature on magnetic ordering. Spontaneous ordering in general, Landau theory of phase transitions. Elektric field in dielectrics, Clausius-Mossotti relation. Polarization mechanisms, optical properties of electronic systems.

5. Excitations in condensed matter Quasiparticles in general. Quasiparticles in a crystal lattice. Phonons as elementary excitations, their quantum statistics. Thermal capacity of lattice. Density of phonon states. Interaction of a ionic crystal with an external electromagnetic field. Excitations in magnetic systems.


The lecture should enable basic orientation in modern solid-state physics, in physical mechanisms determining and influencing basic properties of solid materials. In particular, the lecture deals with crystal structure of solids, with a response of a solid to an external interaction (mechanic, electric, magnetic), self-organization processes leading to ferroic phases, elements of the electron theory of solids and thermal properties of solids.

In the lecture, phenomenological, thermodynamical, statistical and quantum-mechanical methods of description are used.