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Practical Course in School Experiments V

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Topics are chosen with respect to final state exam requirements.

Uniformly accelerated linear motion, the law of conservation of momentum of two bodies

Hydrostatic pressure force and hydrostatic pressure, Archimedes principle for liquids and gases

Mechanical vibrations and waves

Reflection and refraction of light, simple optical instruments (magnifying glass, microscope, telescope)

Thermal expansion (linear and volumetric) heat transfer (conduction convection, radiation)

Electrostatic induction, capacity of the plate capacitor

Ohm's law for part of the circuit and closed circuit

Magnetic fieal around current-carrying wire and coil

Electromagnetic induction


Diode effect and its use, transistor and its use as switch or amplifier

The AC circuit with R, L, C

Electromagnetic waves


Students design and carry out experiments on selected topics of school physics in relation to the requirements for the state exam in Physics and Physics Education. Within outcomes show how experiments incorporated into classes.

Also familiarize themselves with new teaching aids and kits. Enrolment in this subject is limited for capacity reasons.

Priority is given to students of teacher training.