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Practical Course in Seismology

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


* Seismic station Prague

History of the station; instaled seismographs; UK MFF stations in Greece; Czech seismic stations

* Seismographs

Priciple, types and parameters; transfer function (poles and zeroes); frequency and impulse response

* Seismograms

Reading of analog and digital records (program SCREAM), output formats (GCF, SAC, ASCII); Seismogram convolution and deconvolution, filtration, spectra, component rotation, phase polarization (program PITSA)

* Wave kinematics

The models of the medium: planar and spherical (JB, IASP91), velocity-depth gradients and discontinuities; body main and supplementary wave phases, epicentral distance, travel-time curves (program TTIME), azimuth; Wiechert-Herglotz method, Tau method; dispersion of surface waves

* Earthquake location

Global, regional and local networks; earthquake position, origin time and depth; linearisation of the problem, Geiger's method, program HYPO, Master event method, grid search

* Wave dynamics

Earthquake intensity; magnitude; scalar seismic moment; corner frequency

* Seismic source

Focal mechanism (first motion polarities, amplitude spectra and polarities - program ASPO); Apparent source time function; empirical Green's funtions

* Data centers and Internet

National Earthquake Information Center; International Seismological Center; Observatories and Research Facilities for European Seismology; Swiss Seismological Service

* Literature:

- B. Bolt, Earthquakes, W.H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco 1978.

- O. Kulhánek, Anatomy of Seismograms, Elsevier 1990.

- F. Scherbaum, Basic Concepts in Digital Signal Processing for Seismologists, Springer-Verlag, 1994.





Introduction into seismographs theory; seismograms processing; seismic stations network; earhquake location and mechanism.