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Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


* Macroseismic data

Earthquake damages. Ground motion and intensity, macroseismic scales, isoseismal maps. Relations between intensity and ground motion. Attenuation relations. Community products (ShakeMap, PAGER).

* Instrumental data

Mechanical seismograph and its transfer function (for input displacement, velocity and acceleration). Electromagnetic velocity sensor. Force-balance broadband seismograph. Strong-motion accelerograph. Description of instrument response with poles and zeroes. Instrumental correction of seismograms. Translation and rotation components. Static displacement and tilt. Seismograph saturation.

* Location

Principle of kinematic location, linearization and solution by the least-squares method. Non-linear location methods. Uncertainty estimates. Relative location methods.

* Seismicity

Focal regions in global and regional scale, depth distribution. Frequency-magnitude relations. Statistical properties of aftershock sequences.

* Body waves

Elastic parameters. Linearized equation of motion. Effects of discontinuities, free surface and absorption. Rays and travel-time curves of body waves. Ray parameter and travel-time derivatives. Travel times for a layer over half-space; MOHO discontinuity; Pn, Pg and PmP waves. Theoretical travel times in a homogeneous mantle and core: P, PcP and PKP waves. The Wiechert-Herglotz equation. "Dictionary" of seismic phases. Standard seismic models of the Earth (JB, PREM, IASP91). Principles of seismic tomography.

* Surface waves

Love waves for a layer over half-space; dispersion and depth dependence. Rayleigh waves. Mantle waves. Dispersion curves for continents and oceans. Dispersion curves by cross-correlating ambient noise in pairs of stations. Surface-wave tomography.

* Magnitude

Richter's magnitude. Magnitude from body and surface waves, Magnitude saturation. Moment magnitude.

* Seismic source

Fault plane, rupture, slip. Seismic moment. Radiation pattern of P and S waves and focal mechanism from first-motion polarities. P-T-N axes. Nodal planes and source angles (strike, dip, rake). Fault-plane size and corner frequency. Relation between the fault length, moment and stress drop.


Seismic signals and seismic noise. Macroseismic observations of earthquakes. Seismic instruments and data.

Earthquake location. Seismicity. Body and surface seismic waves in simple Earth models. Physical processes in earthquake sources.