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Seismic Anisotropy

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


* Classification of symmetries in anisotropy

Transverse isotropy

Cubic anisotropy

Tetragonal and trigonal symmetry

Orthorhombic and monoclinic symmetry

Triclinic anisotropy

Weak and strong anisotropy

* Plane wave in homogeneous anisotropic media

Christoffel tensor, Christoffel equation

Phase and group velocities

Slowness surface, wave-front

Parabolic line, caustics, anti-caustics, triplication of the wave-front

Acoustic axes, number of acoustic axes for various anisotropy symmetries, determination of acoustic axes, caustics in the vicinity of the acoustic axes

Energy of seismic waves, energy flux, energy conservation law

Reflection/transmission coefficients at planar interfaces

* Anisotropic Green function

Integral form of the Green function

Properties of waves in near- and far-field zones

Asymptotic Green function in regular and singular directions

Green function for isotropic and anisotropic media: differences

* Seismic sources in anisotropic media

Force equivalent of seismic sources

Seismic moment tensor and its decomposition

Physical interpretation of non-DC components of the moment tensor

Influence of anisotropy on the moment tensor

* Methods of studying seismic anisotropy

Anisotropy versus inhomogeneity

Theoretical models of anisotropy, effective anisotropy of layered and cracked media

Seismic tomography

Interpretation of refraction measurements

Shear-wave splitting analysis

Anisotropy from surface waves

Anisotropy determined from moment tensors

* Anisotropy in the Earth

Anisotropy of rock-forming minerals and polycrystalline aggregates

Oceanic and continental crust

Upper and lower mantle

Subduction zones

Inner core


Classification of symmetries in anisotropy. Fundamental properties of seismic plane waves in homogeneous anisotropic media, parabolic lines, triplications of the wave-front, caustics and anti-caustics.

Acoustic axes, their number and position in various types of anisotropy. Radiation of waves from point sources in anisotropy.

Methods for detecting and evaluating seismic anisotropy, S- and SKS-wave splitting. Seismic anisotropy in the Earth.