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Structure and dynamics of planets

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1) Basic planetary properties: mass, size and shape, internal structure, and gravity field. Data collection, planetary missions. Planet classification.

2) Structure of the solar system. Orbital elements. Kepler's laws. Equations of motion. Perturbations, third-body perturbations, and effect of planetary oblateness.

3) Darwin-Kaula expansion. Tidal loading. Description of tidal response. Rheological models and compliance. Tidal torque and tidal dissipation.

4) Tidal-internal coupling. Spin-orbital interaction. Despinning. Resonances. Forced libration.

5) Planetary structure. An overview of thermodynamic properties. Structure from observations. Properties of ices and silicates.

6) Extrasolar planets: detection, characterization and statistics.


The lecture gives basic overview of characteristics and evolution of moons and terrestrial planets inside and outside of the solar system.