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Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Stars, the birthplace of the elements (nucleosynthesis)

Meteorites and cosmochemical abundances

Planetary accretion, differentiation, solar system

Radionuclides and geochronology: Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, Lu-Hf, Re-Os, U-Pb, Hf-W

Radiogenic nuclides: extinct isotope systems

Radiogenic nuclides: noble gases and stable nuclides

Cosmogenic and nucleogenic production of nuclide

The Primitive Mantle (BSE) - meteorites, Earth models, layering, heat budget

The Core - Fe + Ni + light elements, age of core formation, geodynamo

The modern mantle - geotherm, melting, layering, domains (reservoirs)

The Crust - oveanic vs. continental, continental growth, heat production and heat flow


This course offers an introduction to chemistry of Solar System, planets, and the Earth, and is designed specifically for students and researchers in geophysics and planetary physics.