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Radioanalytical Methods

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The lecture is focused on the physical description of the main processes taking place in the interaction of charged and neutral particles with the solid, where there are a series of elastic and inelastic processes involving the incident particles and the atoms of the target material. In addition, a neutron nuclear analytical method for elemental analysis, it means neutron activation analysis (NAA) and neutron depth profiling (NDP), will be part of lectures based on nuclear reactions with light nuclei of the studied material. Part of the lecture is a basic description of these phenomena, their physical principles and the use of these processes for qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis of materials. In the frame of the lecture main physical principles and applications of ion analytical methods will be described, which are used for the study of surface properties and solids interface. Ion beam analytical techniques and neutron beam techniques will be directly discussed in connection to significant applications in material science and technology. Ion elastic processes with target nuclei (RBS - Rutherford back scattering, ERDA - RBS-channeling) will be presented as well as inelastic processes with electrons of target atoms or nuclear reactions (PIXE - proton-induced retgenic fluorescence, NRA - analysis by nuclear reactions). At the end of the lecture is presented an overview of methods, their use and comparison of analytical possibilities they provide (sensitivity, depth and area resolution, lowest detectable concentration etc.) Blocks-weeks in semester

1. Elastic and inelastic processes occurring after impact of charged particles on solids

2. Sources of charged particles for nuclear analysis

3. Basic principles of ion spectroscopy, X-ray. and gamma spectroscopy

4. Fundamentals of ion beam analytical methods - RBS, ERDA, quantitative and qualitative analysis

5. Fundamentals of Nuclear Analytical Ion Methods - PIXE PIGE, NRA, Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis

6. Method of ion channeling in crystalline materials

7. Ion microprobe and elemental lateral mapping

8. Application of ion beam analytical methods on different types of materials - sensitivity, element profiling, detection limits

9. Elastic and inelastic processes occurring after the neutrons impact on the solid

10. Neutron sources - nuclear reactors and instrumentation of neutron diffraction and NAA

11. Basic principles of neutron spectroscopy

12. NDP, NAA - nuclear methods and their qualitative and quantitative possibilities

13. Practical exercises at the Tandetron Laboratory, ÚJF AV ČR, v. I. Practical demonstration of knowledge by performing measurements and elaboration of a protocol / presentation on selected topics from the lecture circle.


The lectures give an introductory overview of the processes and methods of nuclear and atomic physics used for the analysis of composition and structure of materials in an interdisciplinary research.