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Using Personal Computers in Physics

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Simulation of a physical system, Excel and other programs.

Solution of ordinary differential equations, potential problems.

Algebraic manipulations with MATHEMATICA, MAPLE, Wolfram Alpha ....

Histograms, displaying of experimental data.

The Monte-Carlo Method.

The approximation and interpolation. Taylor expansion, Pade approximants, polynomials and splines.

The minimization. Fitting of experimental data.

The linear algebra with libraries.

The errors in numerical calculations or how to get a complete nonsense.

How to create a scientific paper: TEX and other editors.

Using internet for communication and getting information.

Literatura Manuals,

H. Press et al.: Numerical Recipes (in Fortran, Pascal). Cambridge Univ. Press 1992


The lectures combined with practical calculations give an idea about using computers in the everyday work of a physicist (calculations, elements of numerical mathematics, drawing figures, writing articles, communication). Individual lectures are built on examples and more stimulate than replace a thorough study of numerical mathematics and further disciplines.

A lot of space for original students works.