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Microscopic Theory of Nuclei

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


- Prerequisites: theory of electromagnetic transitions, phase analysis in the scattering theory

- Nucleon-nucleon interactions: the role of symmetries, model potentials, modification of interactions in nuclear medium

- Ab intio approach: three-body and few-body systems, computational limitations, effective interactions

- Mean field: phenomenological single-particle potentials, deformation and Nilsson model, Hartree-Fock method

- Short-range residual interactions: pairing, Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer method

- Long-range residual interactions: collective nuclear vibrations, random-phase approximation

- Bohr collective model: vibrational and rotational motions of nuclei

- Statistical approach: highly excited states, level density and strength functions

- Nuclear reactions: types, mechanisms, elements of theoretical description


Nucleon-nucleon interactions, Ab intio approach to atomic nucleus, Mean field approaches,

Short-range residual interactions, Long-range residual interactions, Bohr collective model,

Statistical approach, Nuclear reactions