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Experimental and Applied Nuclear Physics

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Experimental methods of nuclear physics

- Measurement of basic nuclear properties (mass, radius, megnetic moment, electric quadrupole moment)

- Methods of gamma spectroscopy

- Measurement of nuclear states lifetimes

- Measurement of angular and time correlations

- Multidetector systems

- Production and spectroscopy of exotic nuclei

- Detection of fission fragments

Applications of nuclear physics

- Dosimetry - basic dosimetric quantities, natural and artificial radioactive sources, nuclear and radiation safety

- Nuclear dating - methods of geologic dating, radiocarbon method, termoluminiscence and optically stimulated emission, fission track dating

- Elemental and material analysis - PIXE, RBS, chanelling, ERDA, NRM, neutron activation analysis, NDP

- Imaging techniques based on gamma and RTG rays - Radon transformation, RTG tomography, functional tomography (SPECT, PET), elemental sensitive imaging, crystal spectrometers

- Nuclear medicine (therapy) - radiotherapy, hadron therapy, boron therapy

- Nuclear probes in materials - Mossbauer effect, perturbed angular correlations, positron anihillation in materials

- Nuclear magnetic resonance

- Nuclear reactors - basic facts about fission, reactor criticality, basic description of neutron kinetics, delayed neutrons, basic reactor concepts, requirements on construction material, spent nuclear fuel, ADS

- Fusion - basic principles (D-T reaction, plasma), Lawson criterion, magnetic confinement fussion devices (tokamaky, stelátory,...), inertial confinement fusion, "cold fusion"


W.R. Leo, Techniques for Nuclear and Paticle Physics Experiments (Springer-Verlag 1987)

K.N. Mukhin, Experimental Nuclear Physics, Volume 1: Physics of Atomic Nucleus (Mir 1987)

J.S. Lilley, Nuclear Physics: Principles and Applications (Willey 2001)

K. Bethge, G. Kraft, P. Kreisler, G. Walter, Medical Applications of Nuclear Physics (Springer 2004)

W.M. Stacey, Nuclear Reactor Physics (Willey 2001)


Measurement of basic nuclear properties. Present experimental techniques in nuclear physics.

Use of nuclear radiation. Nuclear methods of elemental and structural analysis. Determination of hyperfine fields.

Tomography. Basics of neutron and reactor physics. Dosimetry and radiation protection.