Discoveries of selected particles and measurements of associated parameters positron discovery, ionization and radiation energy losses decay pi->mu->e and mass ratio pi/mu, determination of pi+ mass, range of particles pi0, mass measurement antiproton, particle identification with Cherenkov detectors, time-of-flight measurement
Intermediate bosons charged and neutral currents in weak interactions, discovery of W, Z parity violation effects, determination of the weak mixing angle spin of W, Z and angular correlations in their decays
Top-quark and Higgs boson discovery of top-quark, its decay channels, mass measurement
Higgs mechanism, search for Higgs boson at LEP & Tevatron, discovery at LHC
Higgs boson detection and mass measurements in various decay channels, invariant mass reconstruction
Systems of neutral mesons oscillation and CP-violation in D and B-meson systems quantum-entangled states
Neutrinos direct neutrino mass measurement, Kurie plot neutrino oscillation in matter
Majorana neutrinos
quarks, qunata of the gauge fields, Higgs particles). The discovery of the six quark flavors.
The experiment signatures of gluons. The discovery of tau lepton, of intermediate bosons W and Z.
The verification of the standard model in current experiments (top quark, tau neutrino, Higgs boson).