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Software and data processing in particle physics I

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Basics of Unix

Brief review of the software used in high energy physics computing

Basics of Unix/Linux: basic commands and utilities loops, simple scripts

Debian Linux installation on PC

From Pascal to C and C++ comparison of programming languages, differences pointers program compilation under Linux, debugger object-oriented programming, very basics of C++

Data processing and analysis in ROOT: basic data structures fits, simple macros, user-defined functions trees, selection criteria

Text processing in LaTeX: basic styles and environments math formulae, tables, figures


Brief overview of software used in particle physics. Operating system UNIX, work on the Linux-based computers.

From Pascal to C upto C++ - comparison of basic features of these programming languages, with emphasis on pointers and programming methods used in C++. Data analysis with Root package.

Text processing with LaTeX.