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Chiral Symmetry or Strong Interactions

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Chiral symmetry of strong interactions review of the methods of quantum field theory,composite operators, renormalization and renormalization group, LSZ reduction formulae, introduction to the theory of effective lagrangians, Goldstone theorem and properties of the Goldstone bosons, nonlinear realizations of symmetries and effective lagrangians for Goldstone bosons, symmetries of QCD and spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking, chiral perturbation theory,Weinberg theorem and renormalization, application of chiral perturbation theory


Symmetries in quantum field theory and the Goldstone theorem, the effective lagrangian for the Goldstone bosons, the chiral symmetry and current algebra, the linear sigma-model, the spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in QCD, the chiral perturbation theory, the generalized chiral perturbation theory.