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Experimental Methods of Nuclear and Particle Physics

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Interactions of particles in the material,ionozation and radiation losses, Cerenkov and transition radiation. Interactions of high energy photons in the material, electromagnetic showers. Interactions of neutrinos. Gas detectors, proportional and drift chambers,time projection chamber.

Scintilator detectors:scintilators, photomultipliers,wave length shifters, optical fibres, scintillating plastic fibres. Cerenkov detectors: threshold, differential,RICH. Transition radiation detectors, Time Of Flight detectors.

Trackers: emulsions,bubble chambers,streamer chambers.

Silicon strip detectors,pixel detectors.

Calorimeters: electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters, structure and energy resolution. Neutrino detectors. Magnetic spectrometers. Measurements of the momenta and ionization. Large detection systems (ATLAS,DELPHI..). Data acquisition and analysis. Trigger.


The physical processes occurring during passage of radiation through matter. The detection and spectrometry of nuclear radiation.

Basic types of experiments in nuclear physics. The detection methods used in particle physics.

The measurement of basic particle properties. Large detectors.

The data acquisition and handling.