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Elementary Particle Physics

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Introduction: kinematics (particles' decays, Lorentz transformation, phase space)

2. Basic baryons and mesons, their properties (spin, parity and their measurements)

3. Strangeness, isospin, C-parity, G-parity, time symmetry including their (non)conservations and applications

4. Baryon and meson resonances, measurement of their quantum numbers

5. Quark model SU(3), particles' classification in the SU(3) multiplets

6. SU(3) symmetry predictions, SU(3) symmetry breaking, mass formulae, magnetic moments of hadrons

7. Extension of the quark model, GIM mechanism, Cabibbo angle

8. Weak interactions (intermediate bosons W,Z, parity violation, neutrino interactions and helicity)

9. Top-quark, Higgs boson

10. neutral kaons, K0 oscillations, CP violation

11. neutrinos and lepton families, neutrino masses and oscillations

12. physics programme of current experiments


The basic properties of elementary particles. Models (SU(3), the Eightfold Way, the quark model).

The interactions (strong, electromagnetic, weak) and their unification.