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Statistical Aspects of Nuclear Physics

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1.Introduction: statistical description of deterministic systems 2.Density of nuclear states Bethe formula and its improvements fluctuating component of the state density Gutzwiller formula spectral correlations and random matrix theory 3.Transition probabilities in nuclei strength functions and transmission coefficients giant resonances fluctuating properties of transition probabilities 4.Dynamics of nuclear cascade decays semiclassical description of nuclear cascades, decoherence nuclear spin deorientation 5.Phase transitions in nuclei changes of geometric shapes pairing transition Landau theory


The statistical nuclear spectroscopy, the density of states, the strength function, the mean and fluctuational properties of spectra, the applications of random matrix theory, order and chaos. The statistical modelling of nuclear reactions, equilibrium and preeqilibrium reactions, stochastic processes.