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Intruduction to relativistic nuclear collisions

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Basic phenomenology of heavy ion collisions

2. Introduction to relativistic kinetic theory

3. Relativistic Boltzmann transport equation

4. Equation of state

5. Relativistic fluid dynamics

6. Simple models

7. Measurables

8. Scaling of the hydrodynamical model

9. Direct solution of kinetic theory

10. Search for quark-gluon plasma

11. Connection to Astrophysics * Literature * Introduction to Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions László P. Csernai * John Wiley and Sons Ltd, Chicester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore, 1994 * Hadrons and quark - gluon plasma. Jean Letessier, Johann Rafelski Camb.Monogr.Part.Phys.Nucl.Phys.Cosmol.18:1-397,2002. * Quark-gluon plasma: From big bang to little bang. K. Yagi, T. Hatsuda, Y. Miake Camb.Monogr.Part.Phys.Nucl.Phys.Cosmol.23:1-446,2005.


Purpose of this lecture is to give a general introduction to high-energy heavy ion physics. It covers rather wide range of subjects from relativistic kinetic theory through collective macroscopic features of dense and high temperature matter to properties of nuclear equation of state.

Collective fluid dynamical approaches are introduced in a great detail and some simple analytically solvable models are presented. Heavy ion collisions from intermediate to ultra-relativistic energies are covered.