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Particles and fields I

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Winter semester:

- gauge transformation, gauge group, spatial and inner symmetries, unitary symmetry, isospin, represenation of SU(n), quark model

- SU(1) (abelian) gauge theory - global and local gauge invariance, Bohm-Aharon effect and Dirac phase, spontaneous symmetry breaking, classical solutions with final energy, magnetic flux quantization, soliton solutions and vortices

- SU(n) (non-abelian) gauge theory - Li groups and algebras, global and local gauge invariance, topological properties, abelian and non-abelian monopols, Dirac string, symmetry breaking, soliton solutions

- loop space formulation of gauge theories - homotopic group, differential forms and calculus, cohomology, fibre bundles, covariant derivative and holonomy


Alternative to NJSF079.

For undergraduates (if NJSF068,069 or equivalent successfully finished) and graduates.