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Gauge theories

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


- gauge transformation, gauge group, spatial and inner symmetries, unitary symmetry, isospin, represenation of

- (abelian) gauge theory - global and local gauge invariance, Bohm-Aharon effect and Dirac phase, spontaneous symmetry breaking, classical solutions with final energy, magnetic flux quantization, soliton solutions and vortices

- (non-abelian) gauge theory - Li groups and algebras, global and local gauge invariance, topological properties, abelian and non-abelian monopols, Dirac string, symmetry breaking, soliton solutions

- path integral - transition amplitude, time-ordering, Euclidian space-time, perturbation theory and loop expansion, grassmann variables

- quantization of gauge fields - gauge fixing, Fadeev-Popov quantization, free electromagnetic and Yang-Mills fields, ghosts, θ-vacuums, instantons

- renormalization - finite renormalization, renormalization in quantum field theory

- renormalization group equation - renormalization group, Callan-Symanzik equation, anomalous dimension, non-perturbative renormalization


for undergraduates who finished quantum mechanics and graduates