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Physics of particle accelerators

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


• History of Accelerators (1.5x) - Accelerator Principles and Their Examples - Cockroft Walton, Marx, Van de Graaf, Linear, Cyclotron, Microtron, Betatron, Synchrotron; particle collisions - motivation, principles and types of colliders, examples

• synchrotron radiation (1x) - for a) linear b) circular accelerator, angular distribution of synchrotron radiation, time dependence; use of synchrotron radiation

• linear optics (3x) - movement of charged particle in a magnetic field, field of magnets, transfer matrix and particle trajectory calculation for a system of magnets, dispersion, beta function and betatron oscillation, phase space and Liouville’s theorem, shape of the beam and emittance, position dependence of beta function and its relation to the transfer matrix, accelerator optic tuning, periodic conditions, Floquet transform, optical resonance, magnetic field imperfections, chromaticity compensation, dynamic aperture and sextuples, local trajectory changes,

• beam injection and extraction (1x) - particle sources, injection - principle and types, injection in a storage ring, injection and extraction magnets

• acceleration - rectangular and cylindrical waveguides, resonant cavities, accelerator cavities for a linear accelerator, klystron, klystron modulator, phase focusing, stability area (2x)

• monitoring and diagnostics - beam profile monitoring, beam life time, momentum and energy measurement, beam position measurement and corrections, beam optical properties (2x)

• used technologies and future of accelerators - vacuum, superconducting magnets, new acceleration methods, ion sources (1.5 x) luminosity measurement - indirect, direct (1x)


types of accelerators, acceleration methods, particle movement in accelerator, beam monitoring and diagnostics, technology, luminosity and its measurement