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Renormalization in quantum field theory

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Divergencies in QFT.

Regularization methods.

General understanding of renormalization.

Renormalization schemes.

The locality of divergences. Weinberg theorems.

Renormalization of the higher loop computations.

BPHZ renormalization.

Formal dimensional regularization.

Running coupling constants.

Renormalization group equation.

Wilsonian renormalization.

Asymptotic freedom and safety.

Relevant and irrelevant operators.

Functional (exact) renormalization group equation.


Introduction to the renormalization in quantum field theory extending the standard course Quantum field theory II.

Divergencies in QFT. Regularization methods. General understanding of the renormalization.

Renormalization schemes. Running coupling constants. Renormalization group equation.

Wilsonian renormalization. Assymptotic freedom and safety.

Relevant and irrelevant operators. BPHZ renormazlization.

Functional (exact) renormalization group equation.