1. NUMERICAL ERRORS, COMPUTATIONS ON COMPUTERS History of the numerical mathematics. Absolute and relative error, significant digits. Truncation and rounding errors. The specialties of computer arithmetics. Cancellation, smearing, numerical instability, ill-conditioned problems. *
2. SOLUTION OF NON-LINEAR EQUATIONS Classification of equations. Direct and iterative methods. Method of bisection, iterations, Newton-Raphson and secant methods. Systems of non-linear equations. *
3. NUMERICAL INTEGRATION Newton-Cotes and Gauss methods. Richardson extrapolation and Romberg integration. *
4. SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS Problems of the linear algebra. Gauss elimination, LU and SVD decompositions. Condition number of matrix. Ill-conditioned problems. *
5. LINEAR LEAST SQUARES Approximation of functions (interpolation, Chebyshev approximation, least squares). "Derivation" of the least squares method from maximum likelihood principle. The system of normal equations. *
6. WEIGHTED LINEAR LEAST SQUARES Weights. Uncertainties of the computed parameters. The least squares in case of errors in both variables. Use of the SVD. Robust methods. *
7. NON-LINEAR LEAST SQUARES Linearization of certain special model functions and its pitfalls. Typical non-linear functions in optical spectroscopy. General minimization methods, Marquardt method. Application of random numbers for determination of parameters uncertainties. *
8. RANDOM NUMBERS Examples of random quantities, methods of random numbers generation. Tests of generators, chi-square test. *
9. MONTE CARLO METHODS Simulations, numerical problems. *
10. FOURIER TRANSFORM Fourier series, continuous and discrete Fourier transform. Gibbs phenomenon. Fourier transform of periodic and aperiodic functions. Sampling, Nyquist frequency, aliasing. Fast Fourier transform. *
11. DECONVOLUTION Influence of the measuring apparatus on the input signal (optical spectroscopy, astronomical photography), apparatus function. Methods of deconvolution: inverse Fourier transform, Van Cittert and Jansson methods. Maximum entropy method. *
12. FACTOR ANALYSIS History, classification.The principal component analysis and the "true" factor analysis. Mathematical methods, examples of applications.
Basic and advanced numerical methods, used largely in the processing of experimental data