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Introduction to Analysis on Manifolds

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Topological manifold (charts, transition functions, atlas), smooth manifolds (differential structure), basic examples of manifolds.

2. Smooth maps between manifolds, smooth functions, diffeomorphisms; tangent vectors in a point, tangent space in a point, coordinates on tangent space, geometrical interpretation of vectors; tangent map to a smooth map, coordinate description, Jacobians.

3. A summary of properties of tensor algebra of a vector space; outer algebra of a vector space, basic properties of outer multiplication; symmetric algerba of a vector space, orientation of a vector space, volume of a paralleliped using outer product and the Gramm matrix.

4. Tensor fields on a manifold, Riemann (pseudo)-metric on a manifold, Minkowski spacetime, algebra of differnetial forms as a modul over the ring of functions, orientation of a manifold; de Rham differential in coordinates and without coordinates, exact and closed forms, de Rham complex, de Rham cohomology, Poincare lemma; inverse image of tensor fields and forms by a smooth map, coordinate description, basic properties.

5. Manifolds with a boundary, its tangent space, differential forms on manifolds with boundary, orientation.

6. Integration of forms on a manifold with boundary, Stokes theorem.

7. Volume form on a (pseudo)-Riemannian manifold, integration of functions on such manifolds, local computations. If possible:

8. Lie derivative of vector fields, contraction of forms by vector fileds, connection with the de Rham differential.


One of the basic courses in the area of general differential geometry. A recommended course for specialization

Mathematical Structures within General Mathematics.