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MSTR Elective 2

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


We will study basic methods for proving algorithmic decidability of first-order theories and main examples of decidable theories.


- quantifier elimination

- interpretations

- Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé games

- Mostowski and Feferman-Vaught theorems

- Fraïssé limits

Exhibits (depending on time constraints):

- theories of abelian groups and modules

- ordered abelian groups (divisible, Presburger arithmetic)

- algebraically closed and real-closed fields

- theories of linear orders

- theories of Boolean algebras

- theories of random structures

- theories of locally free algebras

- Skolem arithmetic


Non-repeated universal elective course.

In 2023/24: Decidable theories.

We will study basic methods for proving algorithmic decidability of first-order theories and main examples of decidable theories.