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Physics of Clouds and Precipitation

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Thermodynamics of the moist air and clouds, homogeneous and heterogeneous condensation, condensation nuclei and their effects, development of droplets and ice particles, air flow round cloud elements, ventilation factor, boundary layer of droplets and ice particles.

Coalescence in atmosphere; spontaneous, gravitation, electrical, hydrodynamical and turbulent types of coalescence.

Supercooled water in clouds, freezing of droplets, crystalization (ice) nuclei, sublimation nuclei, shapes of ice crystals, formation of precipation in clouds.

Structure of convection clouds, convection and thunderstorm cells, development of Cb, condition for thunderstorm formation.

Pollution of cloud and precipitation water, rain-out, wash-out, acidity of precipitation, environmental consequences.


Processes of cloud physics, condensation of water vapour, coalescence of droplets, freezing of water in atmospheric conditions, formation of precipitation, microstructure and macrostructure of stratiform and convective clouds.