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Regional Climatology and Climatography of the Czech Republic

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Climate classification methods, basic aspects of the equatorial, tropical and monsoon climates, the subtropical, mid-latitude and subpolar climates, the climate of the Arctic and the Antarctic. The main climatic features of the continents (North, Central, South America, Africa, Asia, Europe), factors controlling the large-scale, regional and local climatic features of the continents: geografical factors, radiative and energy balance, hydrologic cycle, atmospheric and ocean circulation. Spatial distributions of the air temperature and precipitation, solar radiation, sunshine duration, wind, extreme events.

Sunshine duration and global radiation at the territtory of the Czech Republic: spatial distributions, annual cycles, variability, extreme values. Spatial distributions of the clear sky days, overcast days, annual cycles. Air temperature: spatial distribution of annual means, January and July means, annual cycle, singularity, extreme values. Thermal continentality of climate, the effects of orography, long-term and short-term variability, trends. Number of days with temperature above a selected threshold, start and length of periods with temperature above a selected threshold. Precipitation: spatial and temporal variability of precipitation, average annual precipitation, annual cycles, effects of continentality, effects of orography, extreme events. Prevailing wind directions in winter and in summer, local effects, wind speed. Classification methods of the Czech Republic's climate.


Climate classifications, descriptions of the climate zones and types, climates of the continents, climate of the Czech Republic.