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Atmospheric Chemistry

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


* Composition of the atmosphere:

Natural components and anthropogenic admixtures and their residence times, expression of component concentrations.

* Photochemical and oxidation processes in the atmosphere:

Introduction to chemical kinetics. Processes leading to ozone formation in the troposphere, the role of nitrogen oxides, photochemical transformations of aliphatic, olefinic and aromatic hydrocarbons, carbonyls and other substances, the role of free radicals, ozone formation in clear areas and in areas with anthropogenic pollution.

* Particles in the atmosphere:

Size and mass distribution, primary and secondary particles, formation of particles from gaseous compounds. Monitorins of PM pollution at KFA MFF and analysis of meteorological controls.

* Chemical aspects of atmospheric deposition:

Chemical and physical interactions of gaseous mixtures in aqueous phase, processes leading to acidification of the environment by deposition of air pollutants.

Persistent organic pollutants and heavy metals in the atmosphere: Chemical properties and sources of atmospheric emissions of heavy metals and POPs.

* Monitoring of the compounds of air pollution:

Air pollution monitoring networks, automated air pollution monitoring.

* Air pollution sources and emission inventory systems

* Chemical aspects of ozone layer depletion:

Ozone formation and decomposition in the stratosphere, chemical processes damaging the ozone layer. Chemical aspects of ozone hole formation.


Fundamental chemical process in the atmosphere and affecting the environment.