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Dynamic meteorology

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Thermodynamic system in the atmosphere and ocean, I. and II. law of thermodynamics in the atmosphere, balance in thermodynamics, dry adiabatic processes, adiabatic processes in the ocean, thermodynamics of moist air, saturation, phase changes, pseudo-adiabatic process in moist air.

Hydrostatic equilibrium, models of the Earth's atmosphere, standard atmosphere, vertical stability of the atmosphere and ocean.

Coordinate systems for equation of atmosphere, primitive equations, types of the atmospheric flow, vertical structure of flow field, horizontal and vertical structure of pressure field, synoptic systems, atmospheric fronts and frontogenesis.

Time variations in the atmosphere, pressure tendency, tendency of relative topography, vorticity equation, divergence theorem. divergence and continuity equation, vorticity and circulation, potential vorticity.

Mass - flow balance in the atmosphere, omega equation, waves in the atmosphere.

Energetics of the atmosphere, general circulation, stratospheric circulation, circulation in ocean, tropical circulation.


Thermodynamic system in the atmosphere and ocean, I. and II. law of thermodynamics in the atmosphere, balance in thermodynamics, dry adiabatic processes, adiabatic processes in the ocean, thermodynamics of moist air, saturation, phase changes, pseudo-adiabatic process in moist air. Hydrostatic equilibrium, models of the Earth's atmosphere, standard atmosphere, vertical stability of the atmosphere and ocean.

Coordinate systems for equation of atmosphere, primitive equations, types of the atmospheric flow, vertical structure of flow field, horizontal and vertical structure of pressure field, synoptic systems, atmospheric fronts and frontogenesis, divergence and continuity equation, vorticity and circulation, potential vorticity. Time variations in the atmosphere, pressure tendency, vorticity equation, divergence theorem.

Mass - flow balance in the atmosphere, omega equation, waves in the atmosphere. Energetics of the atmosphere, general circulation, stratospheric circulation, circulation in ocean, tropical circulation.