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Synoptic Meteorology I

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Earth atmosphere, its chemical composition and structure, importance of trace gases, changes of air pressure and density with height, daily and annual course, extremes.

Warming and cooling of active surface, heat spreading in soil and water, surface temperature and its periodical changes, warming and cooling of air, courses of air temperature, temperature changes with heigth, dry and saturated adiabatic lapse rate, air temperature inversion, conditions of stability of atmosphere.

Hydrological cycle, physical point of evapotraspiration, condensation and sublimation, classification of fogs, mist, haze, creation and growth of atmospheric precipitation and its characteristics.

Role of synoptic meteorology, general information about meteorological service, construction of weather charts, analysis of meteorological fields of weather elements.

Air masses, their origin, geographical and thermal classification and characteristics, typical weather ind stable and unstable air masses, transformation of air masses.


Composition and vertical structure of the Earth's atmosphere, diurnal and annual variation of meteorological elements. Stability criteria of air masses, their application to the detailed description of pressure systems and atmospheric fronts.

Air masses.