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Synoptic Meteorology II

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The structure of polar fronts, conditions of frontogenesis and frontolysis, models of warm, cold and occluded fronts, typical weather on various types of fronts, mesoscale structures in the are of frontal systems, front analysis.

General aspects of extratropical cyclones, life cycle of cyclones, thermal and vertical structure of cyclones during their development, cyclone families, development of anticyclones, typical weather in cyclones and anticyclones, suplementary factors concerning cyclogenesis and anticyclogenesis. Models of cyclogenesis and anticyclogenesis. Upper level cyclones and anticyclones. Jet streams.

Using of numerical weather prediction methods in synoptic praxis, forecast of synoptic situation, general principles of temperature, precipitation, cloud and extreme phenomena forecast, forecast of cyclones and anticyclones develeopment.


Atmospheric fronts, the structure of cyclones and anticyclones in the mid latitudes and their diagnosis and prediction. Relations between numerical weather prediction methods and methods derived from the classical Bergen school of meteorology.