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Analysis and interpretation of weather maps and prognostic fields

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Basic principles of meteorological fields analysis, coding and decoding of meteorological reports. Basics of atmospheric fronts analysis.

Objective analysis and prognosis of surface and upper level meteorological fields and derived characteristics. Connections between dynamic and thermodynamic atmospheric characteristics, pressure field development and vertical motions.

Baroclinnic effects from synoptic point of view with connection to atmospheric circulations and pressure field time changes. Fields of meteorological phenomena and derived characteristics in various vertical levels in pressure systems, frontal zones areas, advection, precipitation etc. and synoptic interpretation with connection to weather.

Interpretation of ageostrophic components and vorticity with respect to time changes of pressure field, prognostic consequences and synoptic interpretation. Using of computational and displaying methods for analysis of meteorological data, pressure fields and its apllications for weather forecast.

Using of satellite and radar data in synoptic practice and weather forecast.


Basic principles of meteorological fields analysis and meteorological messages decoding. Analysis of atmospheric fronts and special weather characteristics.

Processing and interpretation of data generated by numerical prognostic models.