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Radiation-active Gases in Atmosphere

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Sources of greenhouse gases and aerosols, concentration trends, global budgets, projections of future emission and concentrations, radiative forcing. Role of the ocean in the climate systém.

Coupled climate models (AOGCM), structure of the atmospheric and of the ocean components of the AOGCM, model evaluation, exploitation of the climate models, control runs, historic and experimental runs, ensembles, GCM's validations, projections of the future climate change, sources of uncertainty. Regional climate information, principles of deriving regional information, regional climate models, statistical downscaling (linear and nonlinear approaches), weather generators.

Natural climate variability, human-induced climate variations, observed climate variability and change.


Emissions of greenhouse gases and aerosols, radiative forcing. Role of the global ocean in the climate system. Global climate models, regional models, statistical downscaling, weather generators.

Natural climate variability, forced variability.