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Calculus 3

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


* Multiple integrals.

Basic properties, Fubini theorem, substitutions, polar and spherical coordinates, volumes.

* Measure theory. basic properties of measure, construction of measure from outer measure, measurable functions, integral based on measure, Jordan and Lebesgue measures.

* Function sequences and series.

Pointwise and uniform convergence (Weierstrass test), commutation of convergence and limits, derivatives and integrals. Power series and their convergence radius, derivatives and integrals.

* Integrals with parameters.

Commutation of integral with limits, series and derivatives, Gamma and Beta functions, application to more complicated integrals.

* Fourier series.

Trigonometric series, Fourier coeficients, Parseval equation, convergence of

Fourier series, application to series of numbers.


The third part of a four-semester course in calculus for bachelor's program Financial Mathematics.