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General Topology 2

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Cech-complete spaces: Definition, Frolik's characterization, Baire theorem.

2. Paracompact spaces: Stone theorem, equivalent descriptions, fine uniformity.

3. Metrization theorems: Urysohn, Bing-Nagata-Smirnov, Bing.

4. Connectedness and local conectedness: components, quasi-components, basic theory of continua.

5. Topological groups: Quotient groups, connected groups.

5. Disconnectedness: Totally disconnected spaces, zero-dimensional spaces, strongly zero-dimensional spaces.

6. Dimension theory: Dimensions dim, ind, Ind, basic inequalities, sum theorem for dim, dimension of metric case and of R^n.


Continuation of the course General Topology 1. It is also necessary for the study branch Mathematical Structures.

It provides an information about more advaced parts of the discipline.