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Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


- The limits of the application of some thermodynamic quantities (e.g. temperature, entropy, chemical potential) to the living systems and their compartments, e.g. membranes, cells, muscles, bones, etc.

- Balance laws of mass, momentum, electrical and magnetic induction, energy and entropy.

- Chemical kinetics and chemical thermodynamics.

- Non-equilibrium thermodynamics, Prigogin's principle of the minimum entropy production.

- Structure and function of biological cells, membrane transport. Electrical activity of neural and muscle cells -Hodgkin-Huxley model. FitzHugh-Nagumo model of excited tissue.

- Biological oscillations, thermodynamic aspects of biological evolution.

- Bone remodeling, hemodynamics of the human cardiovascular system.


The subject is not taught from 2021/2022. It is replaced by NMMO543 Biotermodynamics.