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Introduction to Numerical Mathematics

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Solving liner systems, direct methods: Gauss elimination, LU-decomposition, pivoting, Cholesky decompositon.

Least Squares: data fitting, linear least squares, normal equation, pseudoinverse, QR-decomposition.

Nonlinear systems: Fixed Point Theorem (contraction mapping), Newton's Method, Newton-like methods.

Function minimization: Nelder-Mead Method, Method of Steepest Descent, Conjugate Gradient Method.

Interpolation: Lagrange Interpolating Polynomial, Chebyshev Polynomial, splines.

Ordinary Differential Equations: initial value problem, Euler Method, implicit Euler Method, Runge-Kutta Method.

Eigenvalue problems: a primer (eigenvalue, eigenvector, Characteristic Polynomial, multiplicity, Similar Matrices, Jordan canonical form), Power Method, Inverse iteration, QR algoritmus.

Iterative Methods (linear systems): large sparse matrices, Gauss-Seidel Method, Successive Overrelaxation Method, Conjugate Gradient Method, preconditioning.


The first course of numerical analysis for students of Financial Mathematics.